We occasionally send emails to our Primary Parents to let them know about some resources that could help enhance a lesson that we taught in Primary, or whatever other bit of inspiration comes to us. I would say this happens on average once a month or a bit less. We don't want to inundate folks with emails, but it's nice to share a gem of inspiration once in a while, or just give the parents an idea of what is happening during Primary.
This is an email that we sent out today after Stake Conference this past weekend:
This is an email that we sent out today after Stake Conference this past weekend:
Hello Primary Parents,
Don't forget that the Primary Program this year is on October 15 at 1 p.m. Practice will be held on the Saturday prior, at 9 a.m.!
We hope you were able to enjoy Stake Conference this past weekend. We enjoyed some great, inspiring talks, particularly some guidance that we can follow for our Primary children.
1. We love the challenge from President Corbridge to take the next 19 days and spend 5-10 minutes per day on our knees in sincere prayer with our Father in Heaven. This is such a great challenge for the Primary children because even the little ones can do this on their own! On Sundays, we will be reminding the children that they can participate in this challenge - and even invite their families to participate in this challenge.
2. Sister Arnold also encouraged us to take advantage of the resources found on LDS.org to participate in activities that help our children fight against the influence of pornography. You can find a link to some of the resources (including a fun activity) here: https://www.lds.org/children/resources/topics/pornography?lang=eng .